Passive Income & Net Worth Dashboard Release!
We hope you all are having a great summer. And a warm welcome to our newly added subscribers. This communication provides an update on recently released features as well as July features in development.
Newly Released Features
A common feature request is the ability to see not only stock/bond investments but a FULL Net Worth Dashboard, Passive Income Dashboard, and non-publicly traded assets. Also, the need to group and ungroup accounts together, in a single dashboard view.
Our latest Dashboard update provide all of these features including:
- Net Worth Dashboard: Add any investment type
- Passive Income Dashboard: Single view of all income sources
- Customize account view into the Dashboard
- Multiple “Custom” Assets in any account
You now can combine your Investment Accounts with any custom asset such as real estate, commodities, residence, any asset in your portfolio – into a single view.
Simply toggle which accounts you want to view grouped together, to then see a real time Dashboard breakdown of your allocation, passive, income, and account total.
Check out our 30 second YouTube feature video here.

July 2024 Feature Enhancements Coming
2024 will include another wave of product & feature enhancements including:
- Add Income to Custom Assets: You will have the ability to add any amount of income to a “custom asset”. Examples include:
- Interest bearing accounts, such as savings or high yield cash accounts
- Real Estate Income, Rental Property Income
- Annuities not publically traded
- ANY income producing asset of your choice
- Email Snapshots: Weekly account summary including account totals, asset allocation, dividend projections, and account returns.
Feature Requests
While the AssetRise team are individual investors like you, we need to hear from you. What features do you love, what enhancements are you seeking? Drop me a line
Usage Tips & Education
Visit our Blogs and YouTube channel for product how-to and education.
In Closing
AssetRise continues to provide individual investors simple tools to manage their portfolios. Get started for FREE here