Congratulations! You have taken an important step into your financial future – keep track of your portfolio asset allocation and rebalance targets with AssetRise.
Our tool is 100% self-service and takes under 3 minutes from registration to a completed actual vs. tartget asset allocation.
So let’s ditch the spreadsheets, select a simple low cost Asset Allocation, follow the 4 simple steps below, and get started!
Here is a link to our YouTube channel of content or use the videos below for a demo and instruction build out of your Asset Allocation using AssetRise.
Video: AssetRise Overview in 60 Seconds
This is a 60 second overview video of the AssetRise dashboard including current vs. target allocation, adding portfolios, and set target allocation.
Video: AssetRise Account Creation
This video will create a new account, add 2 new accounts to the dashboard, set the target asset allocation, and modify the assets within the 2 portfolios.
Video: Create 4 Accounts within AssetRise
This video expands from 2 accounts to 4 including renaming of the account, adding additional portfolios, and editing the assets within accounts.
Video: AssetRise vs. Fidelity / Vanguard
AssetRise is a unique tool that solves the problem of a simple asset allocation view across all accounts for Vangaurd, Boglehead, and FIRE investors.
Fidelity and Vanguard have great information but its focused on the assets you own within those accounts where AssetRise is agnostic across all assets – not only financials but also hard assets like real estate, jewelry, and other investments you want to see in your total net worth.
Success! Your Current vs. Target Asset Allocation is Comple
Continue to add portfolios until you have completed your full portfolio view. Each time you enter a portfolio, enter the quantity of shares you own. Then after all portfolios and shares are entered, edit the Asset Allocation Target in the left user panel.
You now have a singular view of your asset allocation across an unlmited number of accounts! Including the exact amount to rebalance your portfolio.
AssetRise also provides a weekly email snapshot of your asset allocation so you’re in control of your allocation.
Premium users have the ability to set “alert bands” of their allocation to notify when an asset needs to be rebalanced.

You Have Taken CONTROL of Your Investments!
Now that you are in control of you investments, make sure to research the best asset allocation for you as well as determine your strategy for portfolio rebalancing.
While AssetRise is a portfolio management tool only, we have provided reference articles to the on portfolio selection and rebalance theory.
Keep investing SIMPLE to reduce your stress.